PAX Wrap Up and Previews


I have just returned from one of my favorite conventions: PAX Prime. To catch you up, check out the day one, two, three, and four news wrap-ups we posted.

I had a great time, as usual, and checked out a ton of games! Be on the lookout for preview and first impression articles all this week (subscribe to NBF to stay updated). We’ll also post any pictures on the NBF Facebook page as usual.

So, in the meantime, here are a few of my favorite things from PAX:

Favorite Game

Titanfall. All of my yesses for Titanfall. The demo showed off a fun, fast-paced shooter with mechanics to die for, including wall jumping and mech punching. They also endeared themselves to me by having a female character as (at least) one of the classes.

Favorite Event

The PAX Prime Girls Meet Up is one of my favorite parts of each PAX. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a bunch of nerdy women meet up, eat amazing food, and talk for two hours. I’ve met some amazing women there, and I can’t wait for the next one!

pax prime 2013 girls meetup

Also, the bartender made me a magical hangover cure made from Eastern European magic. Shout out to The Diller Room! (Yes, I do shout outs sometimes. Deal with it).

Favorite Party

Magic the Gathering just edged out the Fangamer x Attract Mode party (which had Keiji Inafune, the creator of Mega Man, make an appearance and was emceed by Jesse Cox) because it had a multitude of tiny, delicious snacks, a rocking dance floor, and magic cards everywhere. See item six for full disclosure.

keiji inafune fangamer party

Favorite Vehicle


The LootCrate bus. If you haven’t yet, you need to subscribe and start getting some of this loot! I love supporting such a great company, so check them out.

Favorite Moment

Jim Sterling singing “Space Oddity.”

Favorite Food


Brownies at the Magic the Gathering party (full disclosure: this may have influenced my pick for best party).

Favorite Swag Item

Warframe gave me a big, soft shuriken. I have since thrown it at quite a few people. It’s tied with the tiny little BeatBuddy plushie that the folks at Threaks gave me. ❤

Favorite Indie Game

It’s so hard to pick a favorite indie game! I loved most of them to pieces. Secret Ponchos, Beatbuddy, Tengami, Aztez, Guns of Icarus…how do you even compare them to each other?

So I’m withholding judgement on my favorite indie game until I get to review each of them. But in general, I loved the indie games at PAX more than most of the console games being shown.

So check back in tomorrow and every day this week for in-depth previews!

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4 thoughts on “PAX Wrap Up and Previews

  1. Pingback: Prepare for Titanfall: PAX Prime Hands On | REAL OTAKU GAMER

  2. Pingback: Beatbuddy Rocks! PAX Hands On | REAL OTAKU GAMER

  3. Pingback: The Amazing Beatbuddy: PAX Hands On |

  4. Pingback: Titanfall Hands On: PAX Prime Demo |

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