
Editor-in-Chief and writer for Nerdy But Flirty.

Kelsey was an English major and is now a researcher at a college. She’s an active member of the StreamFriends and loves it. She was introduced to gaming at a very young age, and her favorites include the Baldur’s Gate, Dragon Age, Elder ScrollsFableFalloutKnights of the Old RepublicMass EffectMonkey Island, and Portal series in addition to Full ThrottleIndigo Prophecy, Jade EmpirePlanescape: TormentSuper Mario World, and many more. When not gaming, she enjoys reading, writing, drawing, movies, television, superheroes, being outdoors, adventures, and theater. She has stage managed eighteen productions since 2006, the latest being Oscar and Felix by Neil Simon. She finally got courageous enough to act in 2011 as LouAnn Bates in Book of Days, and again in 2013 as three ensemble roles in The Women. She most recently performed as Celimene in The School for Lies.

Follow Kelsey on Twitter here. You can find links to everything she does at her website.

Find all of Kelsey’s articles on NBF here.


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