The Ultimate BlondeNerd – Brittney Brombacher Interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview a really awesome friend of mine named Brittney Brombacher. Brittney has accomplished so much within the gaming industry and empowers women by encouraging to be themselves and to love themselves for who they are. With this interview, I hope you get to know Brittney a little better and see how she’s helping to change the perception of women in the game industry.

1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Sho’ thang! My name is Brittney Brombacher, and I hail from Seattle, WA. I have three passions in life: video games, zombies. and saucy hot wings.

2. When did you create your website,, and what inspired you to start your own site?

I bred into existence in January of 2011. At that time, I was working at a dead-end job that had nothing to do with, well, anything I cared about. Blogging about video games made me feel like I was working towards something meaningful, and it gave me a sense of purpose.

3. How did you become involved in the wonderful world of YouTube?

One of the first videos I made was an Uncharted 2: Fortune Hunter Edition unboxing and I had a blast with it. I only recently became more involved because I have some content/ideas that just work better on YouTube. But I’ve found I enjoy working on YouTube just as much (if not more!) as I do blogging.

Uncharted 2: Fortune Hunter Edition Unboxing:

4. Who are some of your favorite female YouTubers and women in gaming?

There are so many incredibly talented ladies out there, but the first who come to mind are Raychul Moore, Krysti Pride, Jessica Chobot, and LadyInsanity.

5. What are your favorite games?

ACK! This question is the bane of my existence, because I can never choose just a few. I’ll just start spewing some off: Resident Evil 2, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Breath of Fire III, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy IX…I could go on and on.

6. Anyone that even remotely knows you knows that you have a massive crush on Alistair from Dragon Age. What is it about this character that compels you?

BAHAHAHA. He’s so…cute! Cute and charming and naïve and I just want to ruin him in every way possible. But even with those personality traits, he grows as a character throughout the story of Dragon Age: Origins and – if you allow him – becomes an incredible badass who overcomes his own self-doubt to achieve [spoiler redacted]. That’s hot.

7. I know that you have quite an extensive collection of memorabilia and collectibles. What sucked you into this hobby?

Honestly, I have no clue. I think it has something to do with the fact that I get attached to things easily, and anything video game related is an insta-love in my heart. So. Physical thing that I fall in insta-love with? HOARDER STATUS ACTIVATED.

8. What is your favorite piece in your collection?

Probably the Uncharted 2: Fortune Hunter Edition. There were only, what, 200 of those made? I’m super proud of it.

9. You were recently in the first ever Women In Gaming calendar. How did it feel to be a part of such a wonderful group of women and to be featured in a calendar?

It was awesome! I had so much fun with that silly, goofy shoot, and everyone looks gorgeous in their photos. It’ll be a bit weird staring at my mug next December (the month my photos are featured in) but hey, I’ll take it!

10. What are the best and worst things about being a woman in the gaming industry?

Regardless of gender, I think being in this industry is just as freakin’ rad as all things rad. It’s such a fun, interesting and ever-changing industry, and thus it’s always a bit of a challenge. Maybe a year or so ago, I would have said the “worst” thing about being a woman in this industry are the stereotypes, expectations, and negative comments that can come along with being a woman, but now it doesn’t bother me anymore. I just stay true to myself and I’m good with that.

11. Lastly, where can we find you?

WEEEE! My website, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

Thank you so much for allowing me to interview you, Brittney, and I encourage everyone reading this to check out her website and YouTube to see how truly amazing she really is.

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