Spoiler-Free Review: Gotham: Episode 12: What the Little Bird Told Him


Previously on Gotham, Jim was assigned to Arkham Asylum, Renee broke up with Barbara and tried to go back to Jim, only to be foiled by Ivy pulling a mean prank on her, former Arkham residents Jack Gruber along with Aaron Helzinger are on the loose in the city, and Jimmy Saviano (Falcone family underboss) is murdered by Butch Gilzean (one of Fish’s goons) for trying to lure him over to the Falcone side.

This episode picks up right where last week left off – Gruber and Helzinger are being hunted by Gotham PD, and there’s a fantastic opening sequence to Johnny Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down.” The commissioner, who we haven’t seen yet (and Jim hasn’t seen in a while), gives Jim and Harvey 24 hours to catch Gruber or they’ll be assigned to Arkham for the rest of their careers. Fish decides it’s time to make a move on Falcone, so she pulls her girl out and stages a kidnapping. We meet Barbara’s parents, who seem like the kind of people who wouldn’t let their kid be a kid.

This episode brought back the humor I’ve been missing – there were a LOT of good one-liners! I can’t say much more of anything here because of spoilers, but this was a really intense, great episode. I will put a spoilery content warning underneath a bit, however.

Watch Gotham Mondays at 8pm EST on FOX. Next episode is January 26th!




Content warning: The violent murder of an innocent/civilian woman is present in this episode.

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